martes, 30 de abril de 2019

Pre-school book day!

El 23 de abril fue el Día Internacional del Libro. ¿Quieres ver lo que hicimos en el cole para celebrarlo? Take a look!

Los compañeros y compañeras de 3 años hicimos nuestro particular homenaje a los cuentos tradicionales:

¡Y también decoramos la entrada de clase! We had so much fun!

En 4 y 5 años creamos cada uno nuestro propio libro. Además, ¡pusimos una biblioteca en clase!

¡Mira que entretenidos estábamos leyendo nuestros libros! We love reading!!

¿Y tú? ¿Cómo has celebrado el Día Internacional del Libro?

viernes, 5 de abril de 2019


This year, for English Week we travelled to Canada! That's why our school was decorated with Canada's flag and some canadian symbols: beavers, hockey players...and look at Anita dressed as a mounted police officer!

We also decorated our hall with a huge mural with Canada's map and pictures of the most important places of the country:

We did a lot of fun activities! In the pictures below you can see our preschool and grade 1-2 schoolmates painting Canada's flag:


We also learnt about Canada's most important cities and its history.

On Friday we enjoyed a lot of different games and activities. It was a blast!

 We can't wait for next year's English Week!!

miércoles, 3 de abril de 2019

Happy Father's Day!

On March 19th it was Father's Day! We made a lot of gifts for our parents. Take a look!

We bet our parents loved their gifts!

A fresh new start: Next & Kubo

Welcome everyone to a new achademic course! We are happy to inaugurate this school year 2022/2023 on the blog by showing you our new digital...